Logical Replication, Database Antipatterns, max_wal_size Setting, Delete vs. Truncate | Scaling Postgres 258

Episode 258 March 27, 2023 00:08:41
Logical Replication, Database Antipatterns, max_wal_size Setting, Delete vs. Truncate | Scaling Postgres 258
Scaling Postgres
Logical Replication, Database Antipatterns, max_wal_size Setting, Delete vs. Truncate | Scaling Postgres 258

Mar 27 2023 | 00:08:41


Hosted By

Creston Jamison

Show Notes


In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss use cases for logical replication, database anti-patterns, how to set max_wal_size and the difference between delete and truncate.

To get the show notes as well as get notified of new episodes, visit: 


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