Latest Episodes
Pagination Solutions, Return Modifications, Insert Deletions, How To JSON | Scaling Postgres 248
In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss different pagination solutions, how to return modifications, soft deletion alternatives and how to use JSON with...
Generate Test Data, Faster Archiving, Date Statistics, Useless Indexes | Scaling Postgres 247
In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss how to generate test data, how WAL archiving is faster in PG15, how to set date...
Columnar Tables, Advent of Code, PG 16 Features, Commit Times | Scaling Postgres 246
In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss columnar table storage, solving Advent of Code using Postgres, new features coming in Postgres 16 and...
ENUMs vs Check Constraints, Faceting With Roaring Bitmaps, Better Scaling, In DB Business Logic | Scaling Postgres 245
In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss ENUMs vs. check constraints, querying table facets with roaring bitmaps, a better way to handle scaling...
Index Merge vs Composite, Transparent Column Encryption, Trusted Language Extensions | Scaling Postgres 244
In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss merging indexes vs. a composite index, implementing transparent column encryption, developing trusted language extensions, and reviewing...
IN vs ANY, Ghost Conditions, Percentage Calculations, Variadic Unnest | Scaling Postgres 243
In this episode of Scaling Postgres, we discuss how PG15 helps reduce replication lag, how to get the parameters used in prepared statements, PostGIS...